This Week At JRS

Posted: September 23, 2014

This week at JRS we will be having our annual walk around the subdivision in honour of Terry Fox. All parents/guardians and community members are encouraged to join us in our walk against cancer. The walk will take place this Wednesday (September 24th, 2014) at 12:45. In the event of inclement weather, we will organize a walking course through the school. If you wish to make a donation towards cancer research we would greatly appreciate it, cheques as well as cash are accepted. If you would like to give a cheque please make it out to Jacquet River School and we will deposit it to cancer research. Our Second girls’ soccer game of the season will also be on this Wednesday in Campbellton against REST. The game will start at 4:30 please come cheer us on and show support. We will also be having another evacuation practice this Friday; we will be leaving the school and going to the Lions Center. We do this as a precaution to be prepared and make your child safer for if we ever have a reason to evacuate.      Written By Jillian and Abby