Mrs. Devereau Notes

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School year!


Posted: September 12, 2017

Today we had our first trip to the Library.  Students all chose books to take home for the week and they are going home in a ziploc bag.  Students should return their books each week so they can choose a new book.

Posted: September 6, 2017

September book orders are going home today.  All orders are due by Thursday, September 14th.  Please check the order form to ensure you are sending in the correct payment amount that includes the tax.  You may pay by cash, cheque made out to Scholastic or by Parent Pay (see note attached to order form).

Posted: September 5, 2017

My name is Ms. Jennifer and I will be your child's grade 4 teacher this year.  We had a wonderful day getting to know each other and I think we are in for a fantastic year!  Your child is going home today with a home folder that is full of important notices and forms that need to be returned.  Please take the time to complete all papers on the return to school side and return them when completed.  I look forward to meeting everyone at the Welcome back BBQ on Friday!
