Mrs. Devereau Notes

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School year!


Posted: August 28, 2018

 Can't wait to see everyone on Tuesday, September 4th!

Image result for welcome back to school

Posted: April 9, 2018

Report Cards go home tomorrow.  Parent Teacher will take place Thursday, April 12 from 6:00-8:00pm and Friday, April 13 from 9:00-11:30am.  I hope all parents are able to come in to see me to discuss your child's progress to date.  

Posted: February 27, 2018

There will be no homework this given this week.  Students are encouraged to keep a list of activities they do over the March Break so they will have writing topics when they return. :)

Posted: January 15, 2018

Homework resumes this week. 
Reading nightly 10-15 min and record on log sheet.
Study spelling words and complete nightly activity.

Book Orders went home with students last week and are due back by this Friday, January 19th.

Posted: January 11, 2018


Happy New Year Grade 4 families!!!
Homework will resume on Monday, January 15th.
Scholasitc book orders will go home today and be due back by Friday, January 19th.

Posted: December 4, 2017

Image result for homework clipart Read nightly and record. Study spelling and complete nightly activity.  This will be our last week of regular homework before Christmas break.

Image result for santa clipartStudents took home a memo today regarding our class Secret Santa.  Students should bring in a gift valued at $5 by December 18th.  We will be exchanging our gifts on Thurs. December 21st.  Remember to keep it a secret!!

Image result for christmas dinner clipartChristmas dinner orders are due by this Friday, December 8th for $7/person.  Christmas Dinner will be held Weds, Decembe 13th at 11:45.

Related imageContinue to practice Christmas Concert songs at home.  Christmas Concert will take place on Tues. Dec. 19th at 10am.




Posted: November 27, 2017

Image result for homework clipartRead nightly & record on log.  Study spelling words and complete nightly activity.

Image result for book order clipartBook orders are due back by Friday, December 1st.  This will ensure orders are received before Christmas.

Image result for christmas song clipart  Students have been learning their songs for the Christmas concert.  They know the tune of the songs and should practice the lyrics at home each night.

Posted: November 22, 2017

Homework is due back tomorrow where there is no school Friday.  Spelling test will be tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Tiger Pride Day.  Be sure to wear your blue and yellow!

Please return your child's report card envelope and the sheet with your signature.

Parent-Teacher Meetings will take place Thursday from 6-8pm and Friday from 9-11:30am.

Posted: November 1, 2017

November book orders are going home today with students are due back by Thursday, November 9th.


Posted: October 12, 2017

Today we began discussing what Friday the 13th is and different superstitions that people have.  We learned that people who have a fear of Friday the 13th suffer from parakevidekatriaphobia.  We looked at some superstitions and whether they are considered good or bad.  They are going to ask you tonight if there are any other bad superstitions that you know of and share them with the class tomorrow.          


Posted: October 10, 2017

Read Nightly and Record on log sheet.  Don't forget to ask your child some comprehension questions!
Study spelling words and complete nightly activity.

October Scholastic Book Orders are due Friday, October 13th
Picture Orders are due Monday, October 23.  If you wish to have retakes done please return the proof package indicating retakes and we will let you know the date as soon as we get it.

Posted: October 6, 2017

Wishing all my students and their families a Happy and restful Thanksgiving Weekend!!! See you all Tuesday!

Image result for thanksgiving clipartImage result for thanksgiving clipart Image result for thanksgiving clipart

Posted: October 6, 2017

October Scholastic book orders are going home with students today.  All orders should be returned to Ms. Jennifer by Friday, October 13th.

Posted: September 28, 2017

Reminder that homework should be returned tomorrow - Friday, Sept. 29.  Tomorrow is also Picture Day at JRS.

Posted: September 13, 2017

Scholastic Book orders for September are due tomorrow, September 14th.  Unfortunately the Parent Pay option is not available for this month but I am hopeful it will be working for October's order.  So for this order only you would need to pay by cash or cheque. 

